Getting finance to buy a new car can be a daunting prospect. Especially if you are unsure if you will be accepted. Take the worry out of getting approved. Below we have listed some of the commonly asked questions when it comes to the car finance application process.
If you have any questions regarding the car finance application process that do not feature here, please get in touch with our sales team who would be happy to help. Call us on 01925 696 373.
Yes, they will be fixed for the entire term of the agreement.
• Photo ID – We will use this as proof of your identity
• Proof of income – Wage slips or bank statements, minimum of 2 months will be required
• Proof of address – This can be in the form of a utility bill or council tax bill.
We may require further documents depending on your application.
A Payment Reminder System (black box) is placed into your newly purchased car (don’t worry its small and discreet so you can’t see it in the car) and once a month, when your payment has been received, a code will be sent directly to your device and this allows your car to keep running until your next payment.
Unfortunately, you are unable to take a payment holiday as the account will fall into arrears.
Yes you can settle your account before the end of the agreement. We will give you a settlement figure and this is the amount you will need to pay to end your finance agreement with us.
There is an option to purchase fee of £10, which is added into your loan repayment schedule.
We are unable to add on any existing finance you may have into a new agreement with us. Your remaining finance amount must be settled in full before taking out a new agreement.
We pay the dealership directly.
Car insurance is not included as part of the finance we offer.
You will receive a signed copy of the Hire Purchase Agreement. You should ensure you have read this document and understand the terms and conditions of the agreement. Please retain this document for your records.
You may do yes. We do have income verification tools but if these do not work then we may need to review your last 3 months’ payslips.
We may sometimes pay a commission to credit brokers or dealers who introduce customers to us. When we do, this commission helps cover their marketing, onboarding, and service-related costs. Please rest assured that any commission paid does not impact the terms of your Hire Purchase Agreement, including the interest rate, monthly payments, or fees.
If a commission is payable, we’ll let you know upfront. We’ll explain how it’s calculated and get your consent before you sign the agreement.